Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ex-prison guards who were Ku Klux Klan members found guilty of conspiring to kill former black inmate


                                      Prison guards and KKK members Charles Newcomb (l.) and David Elliot Moran were found guilty in a murder plot.

Prison guards and KKK members Charles Newcomb (l.) and David
 Elliot Moran were found guilty in a murder plot.
Two former Florida prison guards who were also
 Ku Klux Klan members have been found guilty of
 plotting to kill a black inmate after his release.
The murder plot involving Elliot Moran and Charles 
Newcomb started after a third guard, another Klan member, 
was bitten during a fight with the inmate. Moran, Newcomb
 and Thomas Driver, the third guard, believed the inmate was
 infected with HIV and hepatitis.
Newcomb, Moran and Driver would enlist an FBI informant 
to kill the former inmate, and all three men were arrested in 2015.
Driver pleaded guilty in March and was sentenced to four years in prison.
 A Columbia County jury found Moran and Newcomb guilty of conspiracy 
to commit first-degree murder, Attorney General Pam Bondi's office said Tuesday.
"We will continue to work daily to ensure the KKK or any other
 hate-filled organization is unable to inflict violence on the citizens 
of our great state," Bondi said in a news release.
During the multi-agency investigation, the former guards were caught 
on tape discussing the murder plot with the informant. At one point the
 guards discussed shooting the former inmate if poisoning him with 
insulin did not work, according to the Washington Post.
"If we have to do pow-pow, we will," Newcomb told Moran and the 
informant at one point, according to an affidavit obtained by the 
Washington Post.
Newcomb called himself the "Exalted Cyclops" of the
 Ku Klux Klan chapter, the newspaper reported.
During the elaborate sting, the guards were tricked into
 thinking that the former inmate had been murdered.
"Photographs were shown to each of the men. They expressed 
happiness," state prosecutor Nick Cox told WJXT. "They shook 
the source's hand and the source even went to the point of asking 
is this what you wanted."
At the time, Driver and Moran were guards at the Department of 
Corrections Reception and Medical Center in rural north Florida.
 Newcomb was a former correctional officer who had been fired in 2013.

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