Tyler Gore an Inmate writer in FL. D.o.C where him and other inmates are writing their own books. They are Blessing the streets from inside the prison walls with each book to teach the kids they can do it too. If you want a pen pal please ask and we will find the one right for you.

Saturday, October 7, 2017
Friday, October 6, 2017
Medical examiner: Kenneka Jenkins died from exposure and her death was an accident
The Cook County medical examiner’s office has determined that Kenneka Jenkins’ death at a Rosemont hotel was an accident. She died of hypothermia from exposure to cold in a walk-in freezer, it said.
Alcohol intoxication and the use of a drug for treating epilepsy and migraines were "significant contributing factors," the office said.
The 19-year old was found inside the freezer on Sept. 10 after she disappeared from a room at the Crowne Plaza in suburban Rosemont. She had attended a party with as many as 30 other people on the ninth floor and wasn't found until nearly 24 hours after her disappearance, after repeated pleas to the hotel and police by the...
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Las Vegas shooting-range owner backing gun control: 'If we can make people safer, why not?'
The owner of Machine Gun Vegas, a shooting range that gives customers “the real feel of what it’s like to clear a room with just a pull of the trigger”, was on hand to personally explain to some Chinese customers why they were still not open on Tuesday, 48 hours after the city’s mass shooting.
“We just don’t think it’s appropriate,” said Genghis Cohen, whose shooting range is typically open to children as young as 10, and also arranges trips where clients fly across the desert in a helicopter shooting out of an M60 belt-fed machine gun.
What constitutes “appropriate” is, of course, a matter of opinion, and Cohen said the company has been targeted with “fuck you” hate mail from seething gun enthusiasts who do not believe he should have closed for two days.
He is, however, undeterred, and has been moved by Sunday’s massacre to cross a rubicon and enter territory rarely touched by owners of gun ranges: actively calling for gun control.
“One guy,” he said, “sat in a hotel room with 23 guns and managed to kill or injure 600 people. They say he was using 60- to 100-round magazines. Why does a 64-year-old man, who is not in the military or in the police department, why does he need a gun that can basically fire fully automatically?”
Some might accuse Cohen of hypocrisy, given his company offers clients access to more than a dozen different types of full or semi-automatic rifles, several of which are similar to those used by Paddock to kill 58 people and injure more than 500.

But in an interview with the Guardian, Cohen, a longtime Las Vegas resident who looked visibly shaken by the ordeal of recent days, said he felt he was “doing the right thing” in the aftermath of the attack, which has affected several people he knows.
Among them, a friend’s daughter was was shot in the leg and is recovering from surgery, and an employee whose friend from high school was killed. Many of Sunday’s deaths and injuries, he said, would have been “avoidable” with stricter rules regulating access to firearms. “If we can change laws to make people safer, then why would we not do that?”
Other shooting ranges offering automatic firearms “experiences” in the vicinity of the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel, the complex Paddock used to fire at thousands of country music fans at a venue below, were open on Tuesday.
Bullets and Burgers, a company that picks up Las Vegas tourists from hotels and ferries them to the same shooting range in the Arizona desert where, three years ago, a nine-year-old girl lost control of an Uzi machine gun and shot dead her instructor, said it was offering its usual packages (which costs $199, and includes a complimentary beer, fries and soda).

The closest range to the Mandalay resort, the Range 702, which sells a machine gun “adrenaline rush” for $599.50, was open for business, as was Battlefield Vegas, where an employee at the desk explained the process was straightforward. “Like a restaurant: come in, order what you want, we give you the gun, go shoot,” he said.
Cohen said he was aware his rivals were open, but said it was right to close for longer than just 24 hours and talk frankly about gun legislation. “Someone’s got to say something because if we don’t we end up looking like a bunch of cockroaches scurrying for cover,” he said.
The 47-year-old former nightclub owner said his opinions about gun control were not new, and were born in part from his upbringing in New Zealand, a country with safer gun rules. He said he had also been affected by late-night host Jimmy Kimmel’s impassioned broadcast about the failure to enact gun restrictions.
But he said it was Sunday’s shooting that had done most to move him to be “more outspoken” about America’s gun laws, the shortcomings of the NRA and what he argues is the widely misunderstood second amendment.
Cohen disputed that his company, which offers gun-shooting packages with names like “The Femme Fatale” and “Seal Team 6” to experience “the pulse-pounding thrills of modern machine guns and bad-ass assault rifles”, glorifies the kinds of weapons of mass murder used by Paddock.
“We don’t sensationalize guns,” he said. “Society sensationalizes guns.”
“Have you ever watched a movie with guns and violence in it?” he continued. “Have you ever played Call of Duty, or any video game where there is shooting involved? I haven’t heard one person who said ‘no’.”
His business opened six years ago as a destination that marketed itself as a gun range where customers could be taught by “stunning gun girls”. But Cohen said the business strategy has evolved since then and the company now primarily markets its access to high-caliber weapons they cannot shoot elsewhere.
He stressed that his range, which has some 26,000 customers a year, does not buy or sell weapons or ammunition. “We are strictly, 100%, a tourist attraction,” he said.
For less than $60, clients can stop by the range and fire an Uzi or AK-47. Children aged 10 and over are permitted to fire weapons but Cohen said instructors select “smaller” firearms.
Cohen said he believed Americans should be entitled to own firearms, but said there should be “far more difficult tests and exams” for licenses, and owners should be subject to regular testing and repeated, annual, background checks.
He also advocated closing the controversial loophole that allows people to buy weapons at some gun shows without background checks, and said there should be prohibitions on some firearms. “Do I think a regular civilian needs to own an assault rifle, with accessories that make it practically automatic, with 50-round capacity? No.”
Nevada state laws that enable him and others to carry concealed handguns after a basic course were, he said, “insane” and “way too lax”.
While Cohen admires the work the National Rifle Association does to promote gun safety, he compared its lobbyists to “witches around a cauldron” and who respond to even basic gun reform with hysteria.
“Their argument is that if we give out some of our rights, it opens the door to losing all of our rights,” he said, adding: “If the government doesn’t regulate the industry, then we need to regulate ourselves.”
Cohen, who is planning on opening a second gun range in Orlando, the city where the second-worst shooting on modern US history occurred earlier this year, denied that he was taking advantage of the very same lax gun laws he takes issue with.
Asked why he carries a handgun with him, he replied that “America is a very dangerous place” and added: “If the government got rid of all the bad guys with guns, I’d give my gun in tomorrow.”
Monday, October 2, 2017
O.J. Simpson speaks out
I didn't have nothing to do with it
Please don't say it was because of me.
I'm going to Fla.
Serial Killers: Jeremy Bryan Jones
Born: April 12, 1973
Number of victims: 21
Date of murders: 1992 - 2004
Method of murder: Shooting / Stabbing
Location: Kansas / Alabama / Georgia / Louisiana
Handsome and charming, Jeremy Bryan Jones boasted that he could “talk the panties off a nun.” But the silver-tongued ladies’ man was also a brutal rape slayer who embarked on a decade long murder campaign from 1992 to 2004, during which he may have killed at many as 21 women.
Arrested eventually in 2004 for the murder of 16-year-old Amanda Greenwell, Jones boasted to police about his killing spree. In a rambling confession, he admitted that he’d killed Tina Mayberry outside a Douglasville bar in 2002 and that he kidnapped, raped and killed Patrice Endres, a 38-year-old hairdresser from Forsyth County. In addition, he claimed to have killed three prostitutes in Mobile, Alabama, five in the Atlanta, Georgia and another in New Orleans.
Jones also said that he was the man behind an unsolved double homicide in Oklahoma, in which a couple was shot to death in their trailer and then set alight. Their 16-year-old daughter and her best friend are still missing. According to Jones, he raped and killed the girls, then threw their bodies into a mine shaft.
Although detectives were initially dubious of these claims, a polygraph and further investigation connected Jones conclusively to four murders, with strong links to at least a dozen more, spanning Kansas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Oklahoma.
Jones was sentenced to death in November 2005, for the murder of 44-year-old Lisa Nichols in Turnerville, Alabama.
Black Widow

Victims profile: |
40 years in prison on December 2, 2002. Re-sentenced to 40 years in prison on August 7, 2006 |
A DEFIANT music fan flips the bird at the Mandalay Bay gunman as a hail of bullets is fired on the audience around him.

Not only was the finger given, no one put their beer can down.
How Donald Trump REVOKED plan to block mentally ill people getting guns
DONALD Trump revoked plans that made it harder for mentally ill people to get access to guns just seven months before the deadly Las Vegas mass shooting on Sunday, it has been revealed.
The US President quietly signed a bill which would roll back an Obama-era regulation demanding gun checks for people with mental illnesses in February this year.
The law, which was first finalised in December, aimed to add people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.
It would have seen 75,000 names added to the system, in a measure which sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.
But the rule was hotly contested by gun rights advocates who said it infringed on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
If you don't think that President Trump didn't have nothing to do with this you are crazy.
The shit that come out his mouth & his smile he tries to keep in, from letting us see it go big.
He have someone to write his lines, when he sound like us
His lines are the ones that come from his ass he think is his heart
This man don't care about you or me
As in us
He don't care wake up people
His works of his words are in people heart
Telling them to kill them or send them away, I'll let you get the gun of your chance.
Hate is all he see
Hate is all he say
Hate is all he hear
We need a President who will die for us, not tell us to hate and kill each other
A poor man can say the same words he said or will say next, but will be seeing as a hater,crazy person,& more
But the rich man can say it and get away with it, and you see him as right
He need to step down
Hell god is tell everyone he need to step down
Look where the hurricanes when, places where people back him up
this is the most fuck up year and you talking about the good old days
The good old days was just killing after killing, hating after hating back in them days
wake up, he is not talking about when we was kids and all we did was played
The year isn't over, what's next and when will you wake the fuck up and we NEED TO COME TOGETHER and ask his to step down, because we want to be safe and own kids to be safe.
But hell I'm just a inmate so what do I know.
The shit that come out his mouth & his smile he tries to keep in, from letting us see it go big.
He have someone to write his lines, when he sound like us
His lines are the ones that come from his ass he think is his heart
This man don't care about you or me
As in us
He don't care wake up people
His works of his words are in people heart
Telling them to kill them or send them away, I'll let you get the gun of your chance.
Hate is all he see
Hate is all he say
Hate is all he hear
We need a President who will die for us, not tell us to hate and kill each other
A poor man can say the same words he said or will say next, but will be seeing as a hater,crazy person,& more
But the rich man can say it and get away with it, and you see him as right
He need to step down
Hell god is tell everyone he need to step down
Look where the hurricanes when, places where people back him up
this is the most fuck up year and you talking about the good old days
The good old days was just killing after killing, hating after hating back in them days
wake up, he is not talking about when we was kids and all we did was played
The year isn't over, what's next and when will you wake the fuck up and we NEED TO COME TOGETHER and ask his to step down, because we want to be safe and own kids to be safe.
But hell I'm just a inmate so what do I know.
Las Vegas attack is deadliest shooting in modern US history
- Oct. 1, 2017: A gunman identified by authorities as Stephen Paddock opened fire on an outdoor music festival on the Las Vegas Strip from the 32nd floor of casino, killing at least 50 people and wounding more than 200. He died at the scene after officers went into the hotel room he was using.
- June 12, 2016: Gunman Omar Mateen opened fire at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub, killing 49 people. Mateen was later killed in a shootout with police.
— Feb. 25, 2016: Cedric Ford, 38, killed three people and wounded 14 others at a lawnmower factory where he worked in the central Kansas community of Hesston. The local police chief killed him during a shootout with 200 to 300 workers still in the building, authorities said.
— Feb. 20, 2016: Jason Dalton, 45, is accused of randomly shooting and killing six people and severely wounding two others during a series of attacks over several hours in the Kalamazoo, Michigan, area. Authorities say he paused between shootings to make money as an Uber driver. He faces murder and attempted murder charges.
— Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, opened fire at a social services center in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and wounding more than 20. They fled the scene but died hours later in a shootout with police.
— Oct. 1, 2015: A shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, left 10 people dead and seven wounded. Shooter Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, exchanged gunfire with police, then killed himself.
— June 17, 2015: Dylann Roof, 21, shot and killed nine African-American church members during a Bible study group inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Police contend the attack was racially motivated. Roof has been sentenced to death in the shootings.
— May 23, 2014: A community college student, Elliot Rodger, 22, killed six people and wounded 13 in shooting and stabbing attacks in the area near the University of California, Santa Barbara, campus. Authorities said he apparently shot himself to death after a gunbattle with deputies.
— Sept. 16, 2013: Aaron Alexis, a mentally disturbed civilian contractor, shot 12 people to death at the Washington Navy Yard before he was killed in a police shootout.
— July 26, 2013: Pedro Vargas, 42, went on a shooting rampage at his Hialeah, Florida, apartment building, gunning down six people before officers fatally shot him.
— Dec. 14, 2012: In Newtown, Connecticut, an armed 20-year-old man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and used a semi-automatic rifle to kill 26 people, including 20 first graders and six adult school staff members. He then killed himself.
— Sept. 27, 2012: In Minnesota's deadliest workplace rampage, Andrew Engeldinger, who had just been fired, pulled a gun and fatally shot six people, including the company's founder. He also wounded two others at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis before taking his own life.
— Aug. 5, 2012: In Oak Creek, Wisconsin, 40-year-old gunman Wade Michael Page killed six worshippers at a Sikh Temple before killing himself.
— July 20, 2012: James Holmes, 27, fatally shot 12 people and injured 70 in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
— April 2, 2012: Seven people were killed and three were wounded when a 43-year-old former student opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California. One Goh was charged with seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder, but psychiatric evaluations concluded he suffered from long-term paranoid schizophrenia and was unfit to stand trial

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