Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tyler Gore is a person who´s life was not so good,but was ok.He wouldn´t think of himself. He would put you 1st. He was a player with the Ladies.
Today he´s in prison for something he didn´t do. but he isn´t letting that stop him from being a man.
The books he write about are about other inmate. ( acts of why they are in prison beside him ) The name have been change and the places too. Tyler Gore took 74 inmate´s stories and made up G.A.B.O.S.,& From The Bottom To The Top, and more.
Everyone say they want to know what really goes  on in the street. Tyler Gore is give it to  you without give up inmates names. It´s up to you to read and think about when you saw or hear about something you read in his books from the news. It´s up to you to learn what´s going on in people heads before they became a inmate. Tyler Gore only have God, his family , friends, and other inmates behind him and now you