Tuesday, August 15, 2017


You can't be my Dime
You're more like my Penny
You know everyone walk over you
look past you
but I see you and you being adding up
I'm not going walk pass you
I'm going to pick you up
I can't call you my Dime, because everyone pick her up
And she be happy to be my ho and everyone else ho too.
 I am the only one who see you
you keep real, with your brown skin feeling my jam up every day
See my Penny I keep you safe , because one day I'm going to get you a house
and make you my wife
I see you ,cause you add up all the way
I always spend them Dimes
because I'm not a pimp
I'm just a lover playing with some Dimes
I can't call you my Dime ,cause you add up
I can't lie to you

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