Today was a rainy cool day. Just like some people I know. Tell you one thing and think you don't really know the truth about what is going on. However, I was told today I was going to be bless because they now understood that I only do what I do for them. They understand I really don't want to stay in something that's not going anywhere. If you working on something or working and you look at yourself deep inside and know you really don't see yourself moving. Don't just stop what you doing because you know its not right. Just make yourself get up and move. Keep going till God show you your new door. If you moving to new spots , because you learn someone lied to you. You will never see your blessing. So what! They'll going to lied to you at the next spot too. So, just wait on God & don't walk away. Let God show you and teach you his ways. I don't know what God call me for, but I don't run from anything. I stand and I'm going to keep standing doing what is right. I know God is taking care of me & he is taking care of you too. Stop thinking you got it, because you don't. REMEMBER God don't turn his back on us. WE do all the turning and he just wish you stop turning around so much. So STOP you get it. Smile anyway let them call you what they want and say what they want. Trust God will have them needing you before you need them. Right when you don't want to get up and go. Get up anyway and move on with your day. Don't let them make you sick. Fuck them use your day looking to put a smile on someone else face till God say here is your New Life. It will be your last move. Its what my brother do, Its what my daughter do, Its what life do. Tell yourself life is good before walking out your door. O yea smile right now, JUST STOP AND SMILE
Tyler Gore an Inmate writer in FL. D.o.C where him and other inmates are writing their own books. They are Blessing the streets from inside the prison walls with each book to teach the kids they can do it too. If you want a pen pal please ask and we will find the one right for you.

Saturday, February 15, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Today its snowing and I'm waiting to hear information on my brother case so he can have his freedom again. I have to give the lawyer 1/2 the money and I'll be send it next week. So, I pray everything will go as God plan. I really want to see my brother. I haven't seen him for a long time and I know he just want to be free. I feel as time is just moving real slow. However, I believe and I trust that God will let him come home now. and I pray 2014 is the year for him to come home now. Its been 14 or 15 years now. Our life wasn't good ,but its was bad. Our dad was on drug bad. I remember I had a red bike and one day I came home from school and it was gone. I can't say I know what love is or how to love. I just know how to care for my own and make sure no one don't f--- with my blood. Its all I know what to do. If something need to be fix. They call on me, if someone f-- with them, they call on me. I learn I can't fix everything , but I wish I could play that song I'm coming home for my brother. I believe it's diddy song and the rain could wash away all the pain. Then we can move on tomorrow and don't look back. I just want him to feel free again and we can do this freedom right.
I know you don't know my brother and you may think I'm just saying he didn't do it because he is my brother. Sorry, not true. I have 2 brother in prison and a friend, plus a cuzing. Only one in prison for something he didn't do. I told God whoever got my brother out I'll put a ring on it and I don't want to marry anyone. I see it like a different prison. I pray this lawyer know his stuff and he's not out just to get my money. I day dream about picking my brother up and having this big get together with the family. Hell, everyone in the family been lock up. Its sad but its true. This the 1st time one of us when in for something we didn't do. I really don't know why I'm here writing this. I guess if something happen to me and he do get out. It can be one thing he can see I did for him. so I guess I'll write everyday till he come home. I guess one person see this and it give you something to read to help you past time.
This is my other brother Jeff. He is cool just lost. I need to do more for him and if I just took the time and listen to him when he call me. He wouldn't be in prison. I was doing 3 and sometime 4 jobs back then. I use to do my hair so no one wood see that I was tire, like he look in this photo. Today I cut all my hair off and I try my best to get home so I can be there with my son. I only got my son a dog so he wouldn't feel like he was there alone. Plus, Penny will keep him safe. She what they can a pittweiler. Half pit-bull and half Rottweiler. She's more pitt then rott. Her mother was 15 year of blue pit-bull and I believe it's red nose aka. what happen was/ Why the owner of the pit-bull was at work the new neighbor's Rottweiler saw what he wanted it and got him some. All & all I just paid $10.00 for her because he want all of puppy out of his yard fast. And I believe he is taking the next door neighbor to court something about the blood line of his pit-bull being damage. That how I see me and my brothers somehow we was damage , & no one wanted us around. So for $10.00 we was give away. I know we don't know how to love. We just know how to see each other and make sure we say something to the other person so we will know that each person is alive and ok. Unless one of is lock up then we hold that person down till they get out. Its sad but its true. I believe we can't move forward because we just don't know where we been. As in. We don't know where we come from. So we know where to go. I believe black people need to know where we come from so we can move on. Every black person I know always said I wish the gov. give us that black pass cash. I just wish they give us only names. I mean I want to know who my people are. I can't get marry and find out down the road somehow I marry my brother from a different mother or my cuzing from this side. Or what about did my blood do anything to help us get out of being a slave or was my people the ones fighting and killing like Django Unchained. I'm just saying, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO I AM.
Today its snowing and I'm waiting to hear information on my brother case so he can have his freedom again. I have to give the lawyer 1/2 the money and I'll be send it next week. So, I pray everything will go as God plan. I really want to see my brother. I haven't seen him for a long time and I know he just want to be free. I feel as time is just moving real slow. However, I believe and I trust that God will let him come home now. and I pray 2014 is the year for him to come home now. Its been 14 or 15 years now. Our life wasn't good ,but its was bad. Our dad was on drug bad. I remember I had a red bike and one day I came home from school and it was gone. I can't say I know what love is or how to love. I just know how to care for my own and make sure no one don't f--- with my blood. Its all I know what to do. If something need to be fix. They call on me, if someone f-- with them, they call on me. I learn I can't fix everything , but I wish I could play that song I'm coming home for my brother. I believe it's diddy song and the rain could wash away all the pain. Then we can move on tomorrow and don't look back. I just want him to feel free again and we can do this freedom right.
I know you don't know my brother and you may think I'm just saying he didn't do it because he is my brother. Sorry, not true. I have 2 brother in prison and a friend, plus a cuzing. Only one in prison for something he didn't do. I told God whoever got my brother out I'll put a ring on it and I don't want to marry anyone. I see it like a different prison. I pray this lawyer know his stuff and he's not out just to get my money. I day dream about picking my brother up and having this big get together with the family. Hell, everyone in the family been lock up. Its sad but its true. This the 1st time one of us when in for something we didn't do. I really don't know why I'm here writing this. I guess if something happen to me and he do get out. It can be one thing he can see I did for him. so I guess I'll write everyday till he come home. I guess one person see this and it give you something to read to help you past time.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Its 9:08 p.m. and I guess this is part two. Plus, I did said I'll tell you about the about the next book. (From The Bottom To The Top) Writing by Tyler Gore.
When you read the book you learn that a brother and sister had it bad. An father who's in and prison and street life living. He love his kids and wanted them to learn the streets. Sometimes he took them with him. They saw a lot things and learn too. The streets not going to give anything he would tell them. The sister was older then her brother, but they both did as they was told and when their father when to prison and he told them to hold everything down they did just at and they did it better then their father. Blood and love come between them. As one of them fall for someone outside of the family and why the other was just taking the streets to deep.
Its 9:08 p.m. and I guess this is part two. Plus, I did said I'll tell you about the about the next book. (From The Bottom To The Top) Writing by Tyler Gore.
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