Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chapter 15 ( Gabos )

Two Days Later: The Setup

        “Dog, you show them niggas said they gonna be here?” Pokey asked Flick.         
“Dog, I told you the nigga Turtle said he’ll be here ’round 6:30. It’s only six o’clock, so if the nigga don’t show in thirty minutes, we’ll just bounce and do the shit ourselves,” Flick said.
“All right, that’s what’s up,” Pokey said, taking a seat on the bleachers, watching the basketball game. “But that lil nigga in number 23 jersey be balling, watch what I tell you. That’s lil Jordan, that’s what they call him anyways, he from Parkside.”
“Man, stop talking so damn much and let us see what the lil nigga ’bout,” Fatboy said, as the game started up about fifteen minutes later. Turtle walks in with two other dudes, who we never seen before.
“Hey Turtle, over here,” Flick waves, and Turtle and the other two niggas started walking over to us.
Pokey whispered, “Man, what’s up with this nigga Turtle? Instead of bringing his crew, he bring two niggas we don’t even know, but fuck it,” Pokey said.
“What’s up, niggas?” Turtle asked. What y’all wanna holla at a nigga ’bout?”
“Remember though if it’s not about that paper, we really ain’t got no reason rapping.”
“We feeling that. But trust us, this ’bout that paper. But first, where your dogs at? And who these niggas is?”
“Man, look, y’all asking a million questions for no reason. When I feel shit might have to get ugly, I leave the crew and ride with family, ’cause we all know blood is thicker than water. This my cousin Lo-P and my other cousin Rim. These two niggas ’bout that wife, and I mean ’bout that life,” Turtle said, smiling.
“Well, we’ll soon find out. Look, let’s bounce. Y’all come take a ride with us. Why we put y’all up on game and how the shit gotta go down,” Pokey said, getting up and walking to his ride.
“Look, my cuz drove his whip. So we just gonna follow y’alls, and when we get to where we going, we’ll talk then.”
“Well, since it’s Monday let’s hit the park. It won’t be but a few people there,” Pokey said.
“Man, let’s just get this shit over with. Niggas got shit to do,” Turtle said, hopping in his cousin’s Ford F350D pickup truck that was sitting on gold rims.
“Shit, look like them niggaz already sitting on paper,” Pokey said.
“By the shit they driving, man, let’s just get this shit over with,” Flick said, bopping his head to the beat, ’bout twenty-three minutes later as we pulled up in the park.
“It was a few people here and there, nothing to be suspicious about though,” Fatboy was thinking as they parked the ride. With Lo-P and them, pulling up right beside us, hopping out all at the same time.
“Now what’s up?” Turtle asked.
“Look, man, chill out and relax. Let’s go have a seat at the picnic tables, then we’ll get things started,” Fatboy said, walking over to the table and having a seat. Him and his two friends on one side, Turtle and his two cousins on the other side.
“All right, look, we got a minor problem. We need handle. We could handle it ourselves, but shit won’t look right. We got everything y’all will need.”
“What you mean?” Turtle asked.
“If y’all need fire, we can get it, y’all lil homie. I got my own fire,” Rim said. Pulling out a chrome .44, placing it on the table. As we looked over at the nigga Lo-P, we seen him pull out the exact same fire. Just a dark black color with a gold grip handle.
“Man, listen. If we doing any shooting, we gonna take our chances with our own shit,” Lo-P said, while his lil brother Rim just shook his head.
“All right, that’s cool with us,” Pokey said.
“But how do we know we ain’t being set up?” Turtle asked.
’Cause, nigga, I ain’t no snake,” Pokey said.
“That don’t mean shit,” Turtle said. “Outta the blue you calling on me for help like we dogs or something.”
“Look, dog, either you gonna trust me or not,” Pokey told Turtle. Looking him dead in his eyes, letting him know he’s dead ass.
“All right, what can we make off this lil come-up you got planned?” Turtle asked.
“Being honest ’bout fifteen to twenty grand, with whatever else you find,” Pokey said.
“And what is it we gotta do?” Turtle asked.
“Now this the real part. We gotta see if these niggas really ’bout that life. And do they have the heart to murk a nigga?” Pokey was thinking. And he waited ’bout two minutes before saying, “We need y’all to off two niggaz for us.”
“Nigga, that’s it,” Lo-P said, “Man, count us in. We was thinking y’all niggas wanted us to run up on the president or John Gotti himself. But murking two niggas is like clockwork!” Lo-P said, giving his lil brother Rim some dap. “When y’all want this shit to go down?” Lo-P asked.
“Around midnight tonight when shit be moving slow. ’Round this time not too many baser be around,” Pokey said.
“Damn, y’all niggaz moving quick. Y’all want the shit done tonight,” Rim said.
“Hell yeah,” Fatboy said.
“If y’all can’t handle business tonight, we’ll just do it ourselves,” Flick said.
“Na’ll, Na’ll, we got y’all,” Turtle said, looking at an easy come-up. “So where this shit popping off at?” Turtle asked.
“Oh, in the projects,” Fatboy said.
“Nigga, which projects?” Turtle asked.
“Nigga, our projects, K-Mart Projects. Niggas, y’all in or what?” Fatboy asked.
With the thought of the robbery and possibly murder going down in these niggaz own projects, Turtle kinda had a funny feeling, like they were being set up.
“Look, y’all hold up a minute, let me holla at my cousins right quick. Lo-P, Rim, check this out,” Turtle said, walking ’bout twenty-five paces before asking. “Man, how y’all niggas feel ’bout this shit?”
“Turtle, you know how we feel. If it’s about that paper, we there if them niggaz trying to set us up. Trust this, they going down with us,” Rim said. “So fuck that shit, count us in.”
“Man, y’all sure?” Turtle asked.
“Dog, count us in, ride or die.”
“All right, fuck it,” Turtle said. “It’s on and popping,” he said, making his way back toward Pokey, Fatboy, Flick, who were just waiting, talking amongst themselves. ’Cause whether Turtle them took up the offer or not, the job would get done either by Turtle and his crew or by Pokey and his two dogs who would rather do the shit themselves, ’cause it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“Check this out, we gonna handle this shit for y’all,” Turtle said.
“That’s what’s up,” Pokey said, smiling. “Check this out though. We gonna be the ones to let y’all in. Na’ll change that, huh, here go a key,” Pokey said, removing the key from his keychain. “The number 2301 that’s downstairs. What we gonna do is when we leave here. we gonna go holla at them niggas, like everything kosher. Help them run shop and shit, let a few familiar faces see we was there. But right around 11:55, we gonna burn up, and on our exit, we’ll walk by y’all that will let you know everything is set up,” Pokey said.
“All right, we feeling that,” Turtle said. “But where the money gonna be at and the drugs you talking about?”
“Look under the kitchen table. It’s a rug, lift it up, and you’ll see a stash spot, The number to that is 21-33-16, you know how to unlock a lock, right?” Pokey asked.
“Yeah, nigga, I ain’t dumb!” Turtle shouted.
“All right, and the dope will be most likely on the table where the stacked, nigga Booboo keep it screaming ’bout. If the fiends can see it, it will make them want more,” Pokey said, laughing.
“All right, we got all that. But what if we don’t walk by y’all, then what?”
“That just means y’all missed us. But shit still gotta go down,” Flick said. “And y’all do know, anybody in the crib dies, right? Man, whoever in the motherfucker, murk them, ask questions later, all right?”
“We got y’all. And we’ll be there ’round 11:30, we’ll just park somewhere in a dark cut. Then when we see y’all leaving we’ll come,” Turtle said.
“So everything is set. It’s on and popping,” Pokey said, getting up.
“Well, let us go handle our part,” Fatboy said. “We gotta make these niggas feel unalarmed.”
“Man, go do y’all,” Rim said.
“We’ll be there. Let’s bounce,” Pokey said.
        Being that the park was a walk away, about three minutes later, as we pulled up in front of Mrs. Jones’s house, we saw Boo Boo stick his head out the door, wondering who was bumping outside their door. When he seen us exit the car, he ran to the door with his gat in hand.
“Man, what y’all niggaz want?” Boo Boo asked.
“Who that?” Shine asked, coming from the back room with the same chick he slapped a while back. “Take ya ass back in the room,” he told the girl.
“It’s these niggas,” Boo Boo said.
“Well, what the fuck you guarding the door for, like you Rambo? Let the niggas in and see what’s up, ’cause as you can see we ain’t being selling shit without these lil niggaz,” Shine said, looking around at all the dope on the table. “Seems like when these niggaz left, the whole city left with them,” Shine was thinking.
When Fatboy said, “What’s up, y’all? Everything running smoothly?”
“Nigga, who is you to be asking questions!” Boo Boo yelled, getting mad at how calm these niggaz were.
“Man, chill with the dumb shit, nigga ain’t on the bullshit right now. Nigga trying to make some money, ’cause y’all was right about what y’all said. We should’ve been here helping y’all make this money, instead of running to a party like a bunch of jits,” Fatboy said, playing on their intelligence. Pokey looked at his dog like he was crazy, until he seen his dog wink his eye, then and only then did Pokey catch on to what Fatboy was doing.
“Make a nigga feel like he right. He’ll swear he the man, and you need him,” Pokey was thinking.
When Boo Boo yelled, “We told you, niggaz. We don’t need y’all, y’all need us!”
“Boo Boo, shut the fuck up!” Shine yelled, becoming angry.
And Boo Boo turned ’round to face him, “Look, nigga, I don’t know who you think you be talking to.”
“Man, y’all chill out with the bullshit. We got money to make you remember,” Flick said, cutting Boo Boo off.
“Yeah, y’all right,” Shine said, still easing his lil brother. “Open shop, buck up, lil niggaz, gimma go take a nap before I snap in this bitch,” Shine said walking off. As all three boys began to do their thing, it wasn’t even twenty minutes and it seems like the baser, fiends, junkies, and crack smokers smell these niggaz and started coming from all angles; shit was booming again.
“What’s up, Double D? Long time since I seen ya ass around,” Pokey said.
“Shit, I just gotta outta jail, not even twenty-five minutes ago, that why,” Double D said, laughing. “Man, look, I’m on my dick ’cause I just got outta jail. Let me get a twenty till later on, I’ll bring the money ASAP tonight.”
“All right, Double D, don’t be playing,” Pokey said, giving him the twenty. Even though things seem to be back in place, Boo Boo still had a funny feeling about something, he just couldn’t put his hands on what it was. But he had his mind made up. Any wrong move and he would drop all three of these niggaz, he don’t care whose son this nigga is.
“I was always told my life is more precious than the next man,” he was thinking, as he watched customers come and go, left and right. He also realized something he never seen before. “Maybe these young niggaz was made for this shit, and maybe it was us who wasn’t,” Boo Boo was thinking when he seen Pokey open the door and in walked his shortie who was carrying his seed. The girl was five months pregnant and finer than Halle Berry.
“Damn, baby, what you doing here? You all right?” Boo Boo asked,
“Yeah, I’m all right. Me and my mom’s just got into it, and I’m tired of that shit, so I came over here,” the girl named Bre said.
“All right, baby, gone in my room and chill out. If you need anything, just holla.”
“All right,” the girl said, walking away.
“Boo Boo.”
“Who that?” Fatboy asked.
“That’s my baby momma, why?”
“’Cause, nigga, this a trap house, and anything can happen at any given moment, and you got ya girl up in here.”
“Man, fuck that, and fuck y’all. A bitch know better than to run up in here. So why you bitching?”
“All right, nigga, you dead right,” Fatboy said, shaking his head. “It’s already six o’clock, we got ’bout five hours and forty-five minutes of hearing this nigga’s mouth,” Fatboy was thinking, as he finished helping his dogs serve up the fiends.
“Well, it’s about that time. I’m about to roll,” Pokey told Boo Boo who kept a close eye on the niggaz the whole time they were there, but couldn’t detect nothing, so he let his guards down.
“What’s up y’all closing shop down?”
“Na’ll, man, let’s just take a break till 1:00 a.m. Fatboy, Flick, come on, let’s go get something to eat.”
“All right,” his two friends said, looking at the clock. It was now 11:53.
“Hold up, where y’all going?” Boo Boo said.
“Shit, probably Krista, since that’s the closest,” Pokey said.
“All right, huh, bring my brother and girl and me something to eat,” Boo Boo said, passing Pokey a fifty-dollar bill.
“I got you, nigga,” Pokey said, walking out the door at exactly 11:55. When he hopped in his car, him and his friends and slowly pulled off, he saw Turtle and his two goons creeping up on the house, guns in hands. He flashed his lights twice, letting them know all was good. The thing he didn’t notice was Double D was headed to the house at the same exact time as the three goons were to cope and pay him his twenty dollars.
Double D said he had a funny feeling tonight, “It’s too quiet and ain’t nobody out but me. Oh well,” Double D said, as he kept pacing till he got to the door. Tap, tap. 
“Yeah, who that?” Boo Boo yelled.
“It’s me, Double D.”
“Oh come on in, old-ass nigga, its open.” As Double D pushed the door open, he felt cold steel to his head.
“Nigga, if you scream, this where you die at,” the masked man said with an icy tone. As he pushed Double D in the house, he caught Boo Boo by surprise. When he reached for his gun, the other two goons said, “I wish you would.” As Boo Boo put his hands on top of his head, “Man, y’all got that. Whatever y’all want y’all can have,” Boo Boo said. “Please, niggaz, just don’t hurt my baby mother.”
With the thought of somebody else in the house, Turtle told Lo-P, “Man, check the rest of the house out. Anybody you see, smoke them.”
“Hold up, man, my nigga, shut up,” Rim said, kicking Boo Boo in the mouth.
“Turn that radio on,” Turtle told Rim as he watched Boo Boo squirm all over the floor with blood gushing out his mouth. As soon as the radio was full blast all you heard was boom, boom, two gunshots rang out. But people would’ve thought it was just the music, as Lo-P crept in the back room. He found a nigga having sex with a girl, and without warning, he let his .44 do the talking, putting a whole in back of the nigga Shine’s head and blowing a hole through the chick’s head, who just stared at him, like she wasn’t scared of death. “Look like that nigga had a ride-or-die bitch on his team,” Lo-P was thinking.
As he exited the room and entered another one with the gun in front of him, what he seen kinda froze him. The naked girl lying on top of the covers was beautiful and sound asleep, like she didn’t even hear the gun go off thirty seconds ago. As Lo-P crept up on the girl, he stuck one finger inside her to find her warm and wet, and she began to moan, thinking it was Boo Boo. She spread her legs wider while keeping her eyes closed. As Lo-P began to stick two fingers in her, he noticed the lil lump. “This bitch pregnant,” he was thinking. “I know this pussy good,” he began to unbuckle his Guess jeans, when the girl opened her eyes and screamed. “Oh shit,” Lo-P said, slapping the girl. “Bitch, if you wanna live, you better shut the fuck up right now,” he said while gritting his teeth. As he watched the girl began to shake, he couldn’t help but squeeze one of them round pretty titties, as tears started falling from her eyes.
He listened to her, “Please, oh please, don’t kill me. Do anything you want to me,” she said, playing with herself and sticking her fingers in her own juices. She never knew the thought of death would have her so hot; even though she was scared, she also was turned on. But Lo-P remembered this was a mission, nothing else. He said, “Sorry, baby. I’mma pass this time, but you almost had me slipping,” he said, grabbing the chick by her hair.
Snatching her up off the bed, which only turned her on more, as he walked her in to the living room but-ass naked. Rim and Turtle said damn, but still held their gun on the prey.
“Man, let her go!” Boo Boo cried. “She ain’t got shit to do with this.”
“Man, look, I’ll let all y’all go, if y’all give me what I want. I want the money out the stash step that’s under the table and all the drugs,” Turtle said.
“I knew them niggas was up to something,” Boo Boo was thinking. “How else these niggas know ’bout the stash spot, unless somebody told them?”
“All right, man, the drugs are in the duffel bag in that closet,” Boo Boo said.
“Check it out, Lo-P.” And Lo-P looked in the closet he open the duffel bag, “All here, dog,” he said, placing the bag over his shoulder.
“Now the safe, nigga,” Turtle said.
“Man, it’s under the rug under the table right where you said it would be. The combo number is 21-33-16.”
“That’s what that nigga told us,” Turtle was thinking. “Lo-P, open that shit, get the money, and let’s ride,” Turtle said.
When Turtle said, “Let’s get the money and ride,” Boo Boo had a glimmer of hope that he would make it outta this alive. But not Double D, when he heard the nigga slip and say Lo-P, he knew they were gonna die. “Shit, live by, die by. I enjoy my life, so fuck it,”
“I got the money, dog. It’s like fifteen thousand. Let’s roll.”
“All right, go ’head,” Turtle said to Lo-P. “Rim, off that nigga,” and Rim opened fire on Boo Boo. Blood splashed everywhere. As his girl began to scream, Turtle shot her right in the throat, only to watch her grab her throat like she could stop the blood from pouring out. As he watched Boo Boo and his girl squirm in defeat, Rim walked up to both of them and put a hole in their head. Double D tried to get out the hold Turtle had on him, “But the young buck was to strong,” Double D was thinking.
When Turtle said, “Old school, you see anything?”
“Na’ll, man, I didn’t see shit.”
“I know,” Rim said, shooting Double D in the eyes. “Let’s roll, Turt,” Rim said.
“Police will be here in a minute, and this shit’s a mess. They said running in the night till they reach they ride. That’s what I’m talking about. Y’all niggas did that,” Turtle said, pulling off in the truck.
Rim asked Turtle, “Yo, Turtle. You act like you was about to let the old nigga go or something.”
“Man, the nigga ain’t nothing but a baser,” Turtle said.
“Yeah, and that same baser could’ve had all our asses sitting in jail or in the dirt one. You know how we get down, Turtle? Leave no witnesses, there is no crime,” Lo-P said.
“Word,” Turtle said, changing the subject. “Anyway, we hit a pretty good lick, man.
“We’ll see when we get to the crib,” Rim said. And all three became silent in thought.

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