Sunday, September 3, 2017


As you read Tyler Gore book Gabos you understand the streets. As you read Tyler Gore book Gabos you understand where how Rick Ross make up his so can rap life. Right now Tyler Gore is being told to stop this page from going on. Understand part 2 was taking by a officer, let's remember Rick Ross was an Officer, Now if don't have nothing to with it then he need to let it be known, however, let's be real, I made a 2 copies before I mail out Gabos to

Dear Tiffany Gore,
I want to personally thank you for choosing Xlibris to publish your work. It is our full commitment to provide our authors with the best in self-publishing, and I want to say that your satisfaction is our top priority.
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I can say I fuck up,with trusting Randy Hughes. when I  FOUND OUT ON TV, (BET 106& parks ) that my brother words was use in his sing, and that line he fuck up. ( just because the lion don't eat you don't mean you can't eat the lion) see before i mail it out I read the book and I know I'm always doing this and that. So I always make 2 copies of each book. one so I can read and the other I mail back to. you know that poorboy copyright.Now I'm saying its time to pay up. you money is long because you took and you didn't ask, not only did you took, but you took from someone who added your name in his book, because he look up to you. Now you just a motherfucker in my eyes who need behind him bars more then him. Then let's talk about From the bottom to the top ( me & my sister )
Dear Tiffany Gore,

Thank you for choosing to publish with Xlibris again!

I am Charles Ortiz, your Submission Representative for your book project. I am here to assist you in completing the submission of materials of your 2nd and 3rd book projects.

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I never receive my photos back and they give me a copy. When Randy knew he had to send everything back like the 1st time.  Plus, I call around and learn Gabos been sold out here in the us & over seas. So, I ask where is my money. I know someone in this company or maybe the company it self take your words and sell them to people with money like Rick Ross. So, they can keep going up and the little people stay down. I see just from this site 5,000 people are reading Gabos. You come back for each chapter and I thank you. My brother told me to put my one of my books out and I always say I'll let you keep that going. See I send my stories to him so he can read to the inmates or they read it to their self. But you, I think it's time for you & others to mean Neconda, Eykida, Time, Who, Tip, 44, Baby Girl, & BG, see Neconda is everywhere, Eykida Can't die, Time don't talk, Who is the boss of all, Baby Girl sit and be sexy, Tip can fix that, 44 is what you have till you are no more, & BG can tell you about yourself and leave you to yourself. 

See its call 

From the bottom to top
( Me & my sister )

Tiffany Gore is dead she been gone.
there was no room for 10 only 9
Now listen how we rap & sing this song
This page will stay up & we will stand and tell the world the truth, about your slave laws & how they can take or use us. Everyone in prison for weed need to be free.They got a doctor note.Everyone who is in prison for something they didn't do, because some fuck up cops didn't do their job, need to be free. 

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