Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Headless Body Washes Up Hours After Submarine Owner Charged In Journalist’s Death

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A headless female torso was found
 on Monday in the water’s edge in Copenhagen, hours after a
 Danish inventor charged with killing a journalist in his
home-made submarine told a court she died on board, police
Peter Madsen told the court that Swedish journalist Kim Wall
had died in an accident and he had buried her at sea, changing
his earlier statement that he dropped her off alive in Copenhagen.
Police later told a press conference that it was still too early to
identify the body - missing its head, legs and arms - that was
found by a passing cyclist.
“It is clear that the police, like the media and everybody else, is
speculating whether this female body is Kim Wall, but it is way
too soon to tell,” Copenhagen police spokesman Jens Moller said.
The case is being followed particularly closely by Danish and
 Swedish media but has drawn interest from around the world.
The body had been sent for forensic analysis while divers
 continued to search the area where it was found, Moller said.
Madsen has been charged with the manslaughter of Wall who
has been missing since he took her out to sea in his 17-meter
(56-foot) submarine on Aug. 10. He denies the charge.
He was rescued a day later after his UC3 Nautilus sank.
 Police found nobody else in the wreck.
Danish and Swedish maritime authorities are using divers,
sonar and helicopters in the continued search for the body in
 Koge Bay, south of the city, and in the Oresund Strait
between the two countries.
Madsen, an entrepreneur, artist, submarine builder and
aerospace engineer, went before a judge on Saturday
 for preliminary questioning. The case is not open to the
 public to protect further investigation, police said.
Reporting by Teis Jensen and Stine Jacobsen;
 Editing by Toby Chop

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