Tuesday, February 11, 2014


             Its 9:08 p.m. and I guess this is part two. Plus, I did said I'll tell you about the about the next book. (From The Bottom To The Top) Writing by Tyler Gore.
When you read the book you learn that a brother and sister had it bad. An father who's in and prison and street life living. He love his kids and wanted them to learn the streets. Sometimes he took them with him. They saw a lot things and learn too. The streets not going to give anything he would tell them. The sister was older then her brother, but they both did as they was told and when their father when to prison and he told them to hold everything down they did just at and they did it better then their father. Blood and love come between them. As one of them fall for someone outside of the family and why the other was just taking the streets to deep.

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