Today its snowing and I'm waiting to hear information on my brother case so he can have his freedom again. I have to give the lawyer 1/2 the money and I'll be send it next week. So, I pray everything will go as God plan. I really want to see my brother. I haven't seen him for a long time and I know he just want to be free. I feel as time is just moving real slow. However, I believe and I trust that God will let him come home now. and I pray 2014 is the year for him to come home now. Its been 14 or 15 years now. Our life wasn't good ,but its was bad. Our dad was on drug bad. I remember I had a red bike and one day I came home from school and it was gone. I can't say I know what love is or how to love. I just know how to care for my own and make sure no one don't f--- with my blood. Its all I know what to do. If something need to be fix. They call on me, if someone f-- with them, they call on me. I learn I can't fix everything , but I wish I could play that song I'm coming home for my brother. I believe it's diddy song and the rain could wash away all the pain. Then we can move on tomorrow and don't look back. I just want him to feel free again and we can do this freedom right.
I know you don't know my brother and you may think I'm just saying he didn't do it because he is my brother. Sorry, not true. I have 2 brother in prison and a friend, plus a cuzing. Only one in prison for something he didn't do. I told God whoever got my brother out I'll put a ring on it and I don't want to marry anyone. I see it like a different prison. I pray this lawyer know his stuff and he's not out just to get my money. I day dream about picking my brother up and having this big get together with the family. Hell, everyone in the family been lock up. Its sad but its true. This the 1st time one of us when in for something we didn't do. I really don't know why I'm here writing this. I guess if something happen to me and he do get out. It can be one thing he can see I did for him. so I guess I'll write everyday till he come home. I guess one person see this and it give you something to read to help you past time.

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