Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Inmate letter ( answering your question)


No, Your letter will not be read by anyone here from this page.
Just print out and mail out
Put all information we need to the top
We will send the letter out every night after 7:pm each day

No we will not put your information on this page or sell it to anyone
We are doing this for the people who are behind bars
who don't get mail, because their family is to busy to pick up a pen,
 but they do use their phone & etc. or don't have time to go the post office.
and other inmates who are trying to make something of their self why they are in there
so when they come home they will have something to look forward too.

No, you don't have to donate any money if you don't want too. this is helping you out too

If you have any more question please send

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