Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chapter 19 ( Gabos )

Danger Zone

After leaving the hospital and feeling better about Pokey’s outcome, everything seemed to be going good. As they headed back to the projects to freshen up, they never noticed the all-black Regal with tinted windows following close behind them. As Fatboy and Flick were caught up in a small conversation, they stopped at a red light, and that’s when Flick looked over and saw the black Regal pull up alongside them. As the back window and driver side window came down, all he saw was two barrels pointed in his direction. Fearing for his life, he screamed.
“Fatboy, go, nigga, go. It’s a hit,” as Fatboy just hit the gas, he heard the guns go off. Boom, boom, tat, tat, missing them only by inches. As the back window exploded, Flick came up shooting, boom, boom, but missing.
“Go, dog, them niggaz on our ass,” Flick said, watching Fatboy weave in and outta traffic thinking, “Damn, if these niggaz don’t kill us, this nigga gonna kill us by running into another car,” he was thinking when he heard police sirens in the distance. “Slow down, dog, them niggaz done turned around,” Flick said. “Damn, dog, that was close.”
“Yeah, a brush with death,” Fatboy said, laughing at his friend of how scared he looked.
“Man, that shit ain’t funny,” Flick said.
“Nigga, them niggaz was trying to take us out this world. I wonder who that was,” Fatboy said.
“Dog, I ain’t too sure. But the nigga in the back look like the nigga Rachet,” Flick said, feeling angry.
“Well, one way or another, we’ll find out,” Fatboy said, turning into their projects. As they pulled up in front of their building, Fatboy jumped out the car and checked to see how bad the damage was to his ride. As he walked around his ride, all he noticed was the back window was gone, and one tail light was busted. Other than that all was good. “Nigga, get out the car with your scary ass!” Fatboy said, yelling at Flick, who was deep in thought. As he hopped out the car, he told his friend, “Yo, dog, this shit getting crazy. First a nigga rob us, or try to rob us, fuck our dog up in the process. Now niggas trying to take us out the world all behind this,” Flick said, pulling out a knot with fifties and hundreds. “Dog, you know what they say, so why you tripping money is the root of all evil,” Fatboy said.
“Yeah, I understand that,” Flick said. “But a nigga ain’t trying to lose his life for no fucking green paper!” Flick yelled.
“Man, look, this what we will do. When Pokey pulls through, we’ll tell him we through with the game. That’s what you want, lil dog?” Fatboy asked, as he looked at Flick, who said, “Dog, the money is good, but I got so much shit I wanna do in life.”
“Yeah, and all that shit you wanna do, you can’t do it without this paper,” Fatboy said.
“Man, it’s more ways than one to make butter I can go off to college somewhere.”
“Yeah, you right,” Fatboy said. “You can, but me and Pokey can’t. So God whatever you decide to do, go ’head, we with cha.” As he was about to say something else, they saw Sico pulling up and parking right beside them. As Sico jumped out the car, looking like he been on Jenny Craig for years, he screamed, “What the hell happen to you? Shit,” he asked Fatboy.
“Oh, some niggas just tried to take our heads off, not even ten minutes ago,” Fatboy said.
“Y’all know who they was?” Sico asked.
“Na’ll, we don’t,” Fatboy said. “Even if we did, we wouldn’t tell him, ’cause we can handle our own business,” Fatboy was thinking.
“So what’s up with my nephew?” Sico asked.
“He doing better,” Flick said.
“Nigga, why you want go and see?” Fatboy said.
“’Cause, nigga, I got money to make, that’s why,” Sico said.
“Damn, money more important to this nigga than his own nephew. No wonder Pokey wanna kill this nigga,” Fatboy was thinking.
“Look, if y’all need me, y’all know how to reach me,” Sico said, getting in his ride. “Oh by the way, tell Pokey come holla at me when he get out the hospital,” Sico said, pulling off.
“Man, that nigga out there real bad,” Flick said. “That nigga smaller than a motherfucker.”
“Hey man, it’s his life. He gonna do what he want with it, right?” Fatboy said.
“You right, dog,” Flick said, “but what we gonna do about these niggaz who tried to take us out?”
“Look, we gonna handle business on that. But first let’s go freshen up and get back to the hospital with Pokey,” Fatboy said. “And you driving, lil nigga,” Fatboy said.
“No problem,” Flick said. “I’ll be back around in ’bout thirty minutes.”
“Word!” Fatboy said, walking up the stairs and inside the crib.

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