Friday, February 28, 2014

more update

                                    This is some crazy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          It is now 12:25 in the afternoon. Two  Animal control came this time. Now the so call friends are at the hospital saying he is now hurt. His back His neck no his not going to get out ( sing it ). Not only that the Greens rent out their rooms so they can have more money. I'm all good with renting and letting a friend come and rent a room, but they found them on craigslist. They didn't see the movie. What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!
           Plus the Mrs. so call cut herself up. her arms look like an life time channel movie. Let's be for real. where they do this at. I'm sorry but I can do bad by my dam self you feel me. I'll publish this here tonight ,because I know this is going to be a all day thing.

      4:45pm and the cops came back. this time to lock Mr. Green up. However, before the cops came Mrs. Greens ask could she have a copy of the video of today and last night. I give to her. Now that you are up to date with that little information. The cops told him they have a warrant for his arrest. Because Mr. so call have been injury from Mr. Green pushing his head in the wall. and His neck and his back is in so much pain he can't walk. Check it that video show him walking and driving his car. Not only that he had them call the police officer from this morning. Which the officer from this morning told the new officer that Mr. so call was trying to fight Mr. Green and she had to tell him to calm down. Guess what happen the black officer said this is some BS. this one playing this one and they playing the others. If I come back tonight or any night I'm locking everyone up. The so call friends when in the house and saw that the Greens put a 5 days notice on their door. And they didn't say nothing just got on their cell phones and when to calling people up.
 Ok they just jump in their car but I know their will be a show to come. Dam right when I was going to sign out. I hear the ambulance. Mrs. Green water just broke. The baby isn't due till the end of next month. So who ever is reading this Pray for them. Sad to say I know more is to come.
Sad but its true. 

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